Barry Sherman�s aggressiveness, competitiveness, and independence are personality characteristics that he developed at an early age. But Barry Sherman isn�t unique. All our behavior is somewhat shaped by our personalities and the learning experiences we�ve encountered. In this chapter we look at six individual-level variables biographical characteristics, ability, personality, and learning Attitudes motivation and consider their effect on employee performance and satisfaction.\r\nThe study of Biographical Characteristics shows the relationship between age and job performance is likely to be an issue of increasing importance during the next decade. Ability directly influences an employee�s level of performance and satisfaction through the ability job fit. \r\nA review of the personality literature offers general guidelines, that can lead to effective job performance. As such, it can improve hiring, transfer, and promotion decisions. Because personality characteristics create the parameters for people�s behavior, they give us a framework for predicting behavior. Of more importance to organizational behavior are the personality traits. Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for modifying behavior. By identifying and rewarding performance related behaviors, management increases the likelihood they will be repeated.\r\nViewing attitudes as made up of three components cognition, affect, and behavior is helpful toward understanding their complexity and the potential relationship between attitudes and behavior. But for clarity�s sake the term attitude essentially refers to the affect part of the components. Employment interviews are complex decision activities. The interviewer finds himself or herself inundated with information. Research indicates that interviewers respond by simplifying the process. Individuals in organization make decisions. That is, they make choices from among two or more alternative. The three key elements in our definition are effort, organizational goals and needs. Management by objectives emphasizes anticipatively set goals that are tangible, verifiable, and measurable. .\r\nLow morale can be caused by factors beyond the control of the organisation. However, workers morale can be boosted up by, (a) better methods of working in which workers or their representatives may have a bigger say, (b) utilisation of incentive schemes with the widest possible coverage, and (c) consultative and participative style of management. If people do not feel inclined to engage themselves in work behavior, they will not put in the necessary effort to perform well. Organizational coping strategies by managers to eliminate or control organizational level stressors in order to prevent or reduce job stress for individual employees.